Archive for March, 2009

Revealing the Source of My Stress

Now that everything is official I can finally share with you guys what has had me so stressed out.    Before I do though let me just say I know that things could be worse, and they are for a lot of people, but I have a lot of decisions to make that are going to have a large impact on me and Andrew.

Apparently the company I work for isn’t doing so well right now, (who is though really?)  We had another big round of lay offs this morning and although I wasn’t one of them it was so hard sitting around all morning listening to people crying, and saying good bye to people I’ve worked with for over 3 years now.  The people who had been there the longest were unfortunately the people laid off this morning, it was a very rough time at work.  After the layoffs were complete we were called into a company wide meeting, where we were told that we were on a hiring freeze, and also there would be no raises this year.  But then the part that had me worried the most was announced.  They are cutting our hours, I will only be working Monday through Thursday, and each Friday I will have off for the next 6 months.  They are allowing us to use vacation days for 2 of those Fridays a month, but I don’t have a lot of vacations days, and it will unfortunately not last me until the end of 6 months. 

I know how lucky I am that I still have a job, I know that I could have been one of the many of people laid off this morning, but now with the 4 days off a month I’m losing more money then my rent.  I don’t know what’s going to happen yet but I’ve lived in this apartment for almost 2 years now, our lease is up June 1st, and I have to make a decision on whether I can stay here and live tightly money wise for the next 6 months, or if I have to move back home.  Again I know that I’m lucky to have that option, I don’t have a family to support and I can always pack it up and go back to my parents.  But even though it’s not my fault I just feel like a huge failure, that I really can’t make it on my own and have to run back to mom and dad for help.

I have also lived with Andrew for 1 out of the 2 years I’ve been here, and I just can’t imagine not living with him anymore, he’s my best friend and I know we’ll still be together but not living together seems so weird now.  I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure everything out but I don’t know what to do, I love my family but living on my own for 2 years has been great.   A lot of my stress has come from trying to figure out what to do about the living situation, can we continue living together in one of our parent’s houses or are we going to have to move separately?  

The bright side is I will now have long weekends for the whole summer, but when you’re losing 20% of your income a month it’s hard to think of that as a plus.  I’d so much rather work a 5 day week then have to deal with this.

After the meeting we were all told we could leave at 12 since obviously no one was going to be very productive.  My eats today were completely boring.  As you can imagine between being upset to see co-workers leaving, and worrying about everything I haven’t been very hungry. 

For breakfast I had Chobani and granola.

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When I was about 1/2 way done with this I found out someone I did not expect to be leaving was laid off, I got really upset and threw most of the rest out.

After coming home and talking to my mom and my friend, michelle on the phone I mixed up a smoothie, I knew I needed to eat but wasn’t hungry so I figured that was an easy thing to have.  I enjoyed this out in the sunshine on my deck while on the phone with my mom.

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This smoothie contained:

  • spinach
  • POM juice
  • blueberries
  • pineapples
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • pb
  • and skim milk

So that’s it for now, I’ll be back tonight with my dinner post, I’m about to head out the door to go to my parents house to talk to my mom about everything, and hopefully get to the gym.  I hope you are all having a great day!!  Sorry for such a depressing post, I’m sure once I have everything figured out I’ll be back to posting like normal!

March 31, 2009 at 1:07 pm 26 comments

This Too Shall Pass…

Thanks again for all your super sweet comments.  I’ll be able to share everything tomorrow, but it’s going to be a pretty rough night for me tonight so I’m going to post quickly.  Kate from Cooking With Kate left me a comment yesterday that said,

“…just know that “this too shall pass.”

What a perfect thing to remember when things get a little rough.  Really my situation could be a lot worse and I also need to remember to count my blessings.

So let’s jump into today’s eats so I can go unwind and get some sleep!

I slept horribly last night, it took me forever to fall asleep, and when I did it was restless so I was exhausted this morning, I grabbed a Chobani Peach Yogurt on my way out the door.

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Lunch today was not planned ahead so I ran out to the outlet center across the street and grabbed a salad.

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This salad had:

  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Cucs
  • Jalapenos
  • red onions
  • cheddar cheese
  • and light balsamic vinaigrette

On the side I also had a 9 grain whole wheat roll.

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I came home and decided instead of being here all by myself in the apartment I would go to my parents house for dinner.  It helped me keep calm to be around my family for sure.  We had pasta with spicy spaghetti sauce, on top of mine I added 1.5 tbsps of ricotta cheese.

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It was a delicious meal and who doesn’t love a simple home cooked dinner with family?

Well I’m off to go to bed, I’ll be filling all you guys in on the source of my stress tomorrow.  Enjoy you’re night!

March 30, 2009 at 9:15 pm 14 comments

Danielle Runs on Dunkin’

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday or comment on all of your blogs.  But thank you for all your kind comments.  I have so much on my mind but unfortunately I can’t share it here just yet.  This weekend was a tough one, I kept busy yesterday morning but then towards of the end of the day all the stress just hit me at once and I was crying on and off for a while.  It feels weird that I can’t discuss anything on here just yet, it’s like I’m keeping a secret from my best friend or something, because so far this year I’ve shared almost everything with you guys, and I know that if I could tell you all what was going on you’d be able to offer some advice and kind words, which I really need right now. 

Since that’s really all I can say, I’ll just move on to this weekends eats.

Yesterday morning I had to go to the chiropractor with my mom so I stopped on my way to Dunkin Donuts I was craving Ice Coffee.

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I also picked up a multigrain bagel and took it back to my mom’s house to quickly eat before we had to leave.  I used a small amount of butter on the bagel.

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I ate a little more then half and then we were on our to the chiropractor.  After our appointment we were on our way to check out an assisted living community for my grandparents.  It was a really nice place and after seeing the menu I was really hoping we’d get to have some lunch there.  Unfortunately we’d only get lunch if my grandparents came.  The place was really nice and I’m hoping my grandparents decide to come here because it’s right down the street from where I work and I’d definitely get to see them a lot more often, as they live in the Poconos right now, and I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like.

Once I returned to my parents I had the unfortunate chore of laundry (way too much laundry, it’s been a while oops.)  I had a piece of bread with pb since I was a little hungry.

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On Andrew’s way home from work he stopped at Tropical Smoothie Cafe and got me the same smoothie I got a couple weeks ago.  After a few sips I started to feel really itchy, and my leg was breaking out in hives.  That’s the reaction I get to strawberries (which sucks because I love them), but the smoothie shouldn’t have strawberries in it, it didn’t taste like strawberries but I’m wondering if maybe the blender wasn’t properly cleaned between making mine and somebody else’s.  Once I stopped drinking it within 30 minutes I felt fine.  I only drank about a 1/4 of this gigantic smoothie but I figured I’d share a picture anyway.

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Once I felt better we headed out to the gym. I was using the Lat Raise machine and an older guy just stood there watching me after one set he very rudely and loudly said “Are you going to be done with that soon?!”  Dude the gym is empty move on to another machine for a few minutes.  I told him I had more sets and he continued to stand there and watch me.  Creep.  Once I moved on I was setting the weights on another machine and someone asked me if I was using it, he said it a lot nicer so I let him use it first, but for real, the place was empty why was everyone trying to use whatever I wanted to?  Then we were in the movie theater and I was using a treadmill, as I said before my heart rate monitor transmits and displays on treadmills next to me, after running for a few minutes, the guy next to me yelled in front of everyone there, “Do you have a heart thing on or something!?”  Ugh so embarrassing I apolgizied and he said it was okay but he was only walking so of course my heart rate was higher and I guess it freaked him out a little.  What a day.

For dinner last night I had my leftover pizza from Friday.  I was literally craving it.

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After dinner and moping around the house I got dressed and headed out to meet up with my friends, it was just what I needed to get my mind off of everything.  I drank some vodka and diet cokes, which probably helped as well, we got home around 12:30 and I read and went to bed.  I felt much better today then I did yesterday and got up and enjoyed a smoothie for breakfast.  After my incident yesterday I was craving a smoothie and was happy to finally have one.  It was a little overcast this morning but really warm so I enjoyed this out on the deck with Andrew.

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This smoothie included:

  • 1 Scoop protein powder
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 a cup skim milk
  • blueberries
  • pineapples
  • 4 ounces POM juice
  • and 1tbsp pb

So yummy and just what I needed.  I love smoothies for breakfast!  After my smoothie we got dressed and ran some errands.  I was feeling extrememly tired so we stopped to get coffee and some food.  We decided to once again hit up Dunkin Donuts.  I got a medium coffee with skim milk and splenda, and a veggie flatbread sandwich.

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The flatbread sandwich was just okay, a little bland, I wish I had some hot sauce for it, if I got it again I definitely would spice it up a little, it’s a good option if your out and about though.

After visiting with Andrew’s parents, sister, and grandma we headed home.  The sun had come out and it was beautiful I actually threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and sat outside on the deck reading, until a squirrel tried to join us and scared the crap out of me and sent me running back inside.  I’m a baby I know.   The sun went away as quickly as it had come out but we had already decided to have a bbq.

I had a veggie burger with a string cheese melted on top, with romaine lettuce, and pickles.

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And also threw some sliced garnet yam on the grill for “chips”.

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I think I liked them better grilled then baked, can’t wait to do this some more in the summer.

Now I’m going to spend some time catching up on my blog reading and then head off to bed.  Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

March 29, 2009 at 7:18 pm 20 comments


I am so incredibly thankful that this week is over.  It’s been a tough one, it went by fast but I’m a little stressed out over something.  Unfortunately I can’t go into detail until next week.   So please excuse me, but this post is going to be a quickie.

For breakfast today I had a peach Chobani with my peak protein granola.

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By the end of the week my desk is covered in those little post-it notes. 

My lunch today came from Andrew’s boss at the pharmacy.  They ordered sandwiches and they were gigantic so she wrapped up 1/2 and sent it home with Andrew for me.  It was eggplant parm!  Didn’t I just have that like Monday?  Well I am not one to turn down free food so I brought it into today to lunch.  This is actually only a quarter of it I did my good deed for the day and passed the other 1/2 on to one of the guys at work who forgot to bring something for lunch.  Pay it Forward.

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Because I got this a few days ago the roll was a little soggy so I removed that and just ate the eggplant, it was good, and much thicker then the ones I got for dinner on my birthday.  Also less breading.  But the sauce was just okay.

For dinner I had every intention of having a veggie burger.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  I wanted a veggie burger because I wanted pickles, and what goes better with pickles then a burger.  Since I kindly gave away my last pickle on Saturday I stopped at the store to grab another jar but none of them were as bright green as I like so I sulked and grabbed a pizza crust instead.  I decided to make a “meatball” and pineapple pizza, again.

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I used 2 “meatballs” crumbled up, and a handful of pineapples, and mozzarella cheese, on a whole wheat crust, just I needed after such a bad day.

After digesting and watching TV, Andrew and I headed out to the gym.  We were riding along talking when all of a sudden the street and traffic lights went out, we saw sparks flying, and the car in front of me slammed on their breaks. A telephone pole had fallen on a car just 2 cars in front of us.  Andrew immediately called 911 but apparently others had already done the same because they already knew about the accident we were stuck there on the highway with live wires dangling just above our car.   I was trying to look into the car to see if anyone was moving, it didn’t appear like there was.   I was freaking out, if that had happened a second later that would have been us. It was a terrifying thought, and although I’ve said today was a bad day it put it all into perspective.  We saw the driver on a stretcher leaving the scene in an ambulance but they were completely covered by a blanket,  I just hope whoever that person was is okay.  What a horrible thing to happen.

We wound up getting to the gym around 9:30 and that’s just too late for me, I worked out for a quick 40 minutes,  and my stats were:

    • Calories burned: 358 (40% Fat)
    • Max Heart Rate: 170
    • Avg Heart Rate 146

Not too shabby for a quick workout (mostly strength training).  I’ll definitely be working out a lot harder tomorrow.

So my plans tomorrow are to go to the chiropractor, go take a tour of an assisted living facility with my mom (for my grandparents), which may or may not include a free lunch, and then later on go out with some friends that weren’t able to come out last Saturday when I celebrated my birthday.  Should be another fun filled weekend!  Hope you all had a great  Friday night.

March 27, 2009 at 10:14 pm 11 comments

Breakfast, Brunch, and Brinner

Every meal I ate today I would, or have already had, at some point for breakfast.  Breakfast is my favorite meal so it’s not weird that a whole day’s eats could be considered a breakfast food.  It’s a rainy gloomy day so I just stuck with my favorite foods for today.

For breakfast I had a delicious bowl of overnight oats. It contained 1/2 a cup oats, 1/2 a cup skim milk, cinnamon, and vanilla, with a scoop of pb on it of course.

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As much as I love my yogurt and granola breakfasts, there’s nothing like oats to make you feel satisfied for hours.

Lunch I had a yogurt mess.  It contained 1/2 a cup pb puffins, 1/2 a cup organic apple cinnamon morning o’s (whole foods brand), 1/2 a mango, green grapes, a banana, and of course a Vanilla Chobani. 

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It doesn’t look good at all does it?  But it was delicious, it took me forever to eat.  It was a really great lunch and something I will probably have again very soon.

For a snack around 3 I had an McIntosh apple.

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I was craving eggs for dinner so I decided to just have that and make it a day of breakfast food.  I had 2 eggs scrambled with lots of spinach, and a less then an ounce of Mexican blend cheese.

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On the side I had Dr. Prager’s Potato Littles, they are obviously supposed to be for kids, but I like my food in fun shapes sometimes too!

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And a veggie breakfast “sausage”

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All together:

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After dinner we caught up on some things on our DVR, including last night’s Biggest Loser and Lost.  No Lost spoiler or anything but seriously, WTF is going on?  So confusing!

While watching TV I decided to enjoy a serving of fro yo with some chocolate chips. 

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I’ve had a ton of sweets this week, a piece of chocolate birthday cake, and Ice cream cake Monday, Tagalongs yesterday, and Fro yo today.  I know most of you allow yourself to have something for dessert each night, but it’s so weird to me that I’ve been craving sweets.  As I’ve said many times I don’t have sweet tooth at all so to have this many sweets in a week is pretty unheard of for me.  At least I’m keeping my portions small.

Well tomorrow is Friday!  I’m so happy that this week is almost over, just one more day.  I have no definite plans but some of my friends were in Savannah last week so I’ll probably be seeing them this weekend.  What are you doing this weekend? Anything exciting?

March 26, 2009 at 8:33 pm 17 comments

The weekend is in sight…

I can’t believe today is already almost over, this week is flying by!  And the fact that a week from now it’ll be April is nuts!  2009 sure is moving quickly!  Anyone else think this year is going fast?

For breakfast today my old love is back.  Chobani!  Oh how I’ve missed my Chobani, especially my vanilla.  I had that with a peak protein granola sprinkled on top.

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This is a heavenly combination!

Lunch today was a pb and banana sandwich with some green grapes on the side.

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Some of my grapes were very tart, I didn’t enjoy those few, but the rest were perfectly sweet!

Around 3 I was ready to gnaw my arm off, I didn’t think I had any snacks with me because I really haven’t been snacking in the afternoons.  I was about to hit up the vending machine when I remembered that I did, in fact, have a snack courtesy of Missy.  She sweetly handed out some clif z bars on Sunday at the brunch, and I luckily still had it in my bag.  So thank you so much Missy for keeping me away from the vending machine! 

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Once I got home from work I was once again hungry, I don’t know what is with my appetite today.  I knew exactly what I wanted I was inspired by this meal.  I had some meatless meatballs and was craving tacos so I made a taco wrap.  I used 4 meatless meatballs broken up and cooked in taco seasoning, romaine lettuce, spinach, mexican cheese blend, and salsa, on whole wheat tortilla.

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This was so good! 

After resting and watching some of last night’s Biggest Loser it was time to go to the gym.  I did strength training first and then jumped on the treadmill, I didn’t feel like running today so I walked at a steep incline for a while.  According to my HRM my stats are:

  • 450 calories burned
  • Avg HR 153
  • Max HR 181

Have I said how much I love this HRM already?  One thing I did notice on the treadmill is since they’ve got Polar HRM built in my stats show up on not only my treadmill but the one next to me.  I don’t know if that’s normal or not.

Once returning back home I snacked on 2 Tagalongs.

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Last year when I got my 2 boxes of Tagalongs they were gone in about a week, I’ve had these for a week now and this is my second helping of them.  Just goes to show me how much I’ve improved since the beginning of the year.

Well lovelies I’m off to bed, I hope you all have a great night!

March 25, 2009 at 9:17 pm 26 comments


I have another day of boring eats for you guys, but I was able to get to the store tonight to restock so tomorrow will be back to normal.

Unfortunately I needed to have another Clif bar for breakfast, thank god I got to the store today these keep me satisfied until lunch but they are so boring to eat.

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I’m pretty sure this is my first time having the Blueberry crisp and I thought it was really good.

For lunch I had my leftovers from dinner last night. 

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Not pretty in the least but soooo good, I removed all the cheese off because there were no plates available at work and with the container I couldn’t put it in the microwave and the cheese just looked gross cold, the rest was fine though.

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Around 3 I snacked on an orange.

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See my sweet safety glasses in the background?  Yeah I have to wear those whenever I go out to the factory at my work.  I hate those things.

After work I hit up Whole  Foods, I didn’t take a picture of all my purchases I completely forgot.  I pulled a Meghann and as soon as I got home I put everything away, got changed and put on the Burn Fat and Boost Metabolism Jillian Michael’s DVD, so I wouldn’t have time to make up excuses.  Since I just got my HRM I was dying to try it.  I only made it 35 minutes in and kinda skipped the cool down, before I quit, I was too hungry to keep going by this time it was 7:30 and needed something to eat.  But in those 35 minutes I wound up burning 350 calories I did modify some things and added weights just to make it a little more difficult.  I really enjoyed the DVD though and it’s something I will definitely do on days I don’t usually go to the gym.

For dinner I wanted something fast and did not feel like cooking anything.  I decided to have a massive smoothie.

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This smoothie contained:

  • 1/2 a cup of oats
  • 1/2 a cup skim milk
  • 1 scoop soy protein powder
  • A gigantic handful of spinach
  • 4 ounces POM juice
  • pineapple
  • and blueberries

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This was super filling.  This was my first time adding spinach to a smoothie, and although everyone swears you can’t taste it, I never believed them.  Well it’s true!  I put a crazy amount of spinach in there and did not taste it at all.  I’ve never had a smoothie for dinner before but I assume it’s okay to substitute that meal with a smoothie, since there was so much going on in there I feel just as satisfied with that as I would a huge meal.

Well I’m off to pack/prepare my lunch for tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your Monday night!

March 24, 2009 at 8:12 pm 20 comments

Another Year Older…

Well my 24th birthday is almost over!  It was a great birthday all around and I am so thankful for every warm birthday wish I received from you guys!  I’m exhausted after such a long day so please excuse the rushed post.

We need to do some serious food shopping and I plan to after work tomorrow, so my breakfast consisted of a pear and apple strudel bar, I don’t like replacing meals with bars but I was in a rush this morning so I just grabbed one.  It is extremely filling though and kept me satisfied until lunch.


These pictures are from my cell phone so excuse the poor quality.

For lunch I had to get really creative, I had a sandwich on an Arnold Sandwich Thin with peanut butter, a sliced up McIntosh apple, and some peak protein granola, strange combo but really really delicious.


After lunch I came back to a decorated cube and a cake with candles, I didn’t get to take a picture of the whole cake, but even though I don’t eat cake, I felt rude refusing a piece that was there especially for me, so I had a super tiny slice and actually enjoyed it, it’s not something I would eat often or would ever crave, but it wasn’t like I hated it.


I left work a couple hours early for my birthday and rushed home to get ready to go out to eat and to grab my camera for dinner.  I went out with my family and Andrew to our usual birthday spot, Yesterdays.  My dad and I decided to split a carafe of Zinfandel, I think was my first time having wine this year.

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I was starving so I immediately hit up the salad bar.

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And the rolls were hot out of then oven so I had a couple.

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Last time I went to Yesterday’s I decided I was going to let myself splurge on my birthday, with my very favorite dish, Chicken Parm.  But since I had given up meat I decided to go with the standby, eggplant parm.  It was very good, but honestly I like it better when I make it without any breading, I felt like mostly I was tasting the fried breadcrumbs. 

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I ate 2 pieces and have 2 left for tomorrow’s lunch.  Penne came on the side but I only ate a couple bites and that will also be tomorrow’s lunch.  I apparently didn’t take a picture of that though.  Too much vino maybe?

After dinner my family and I headed home, after digesting for a little while, we broke out the ice cream cake.

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Andrew and I did our usual splitting of cake where he got my chocolate and I got his vanilla.

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What a mess, i didn’t finish all my cake, I was way too full.

So for presents I really did well this year, from my sister I received 2 shirts, and from my parents I got Jillian Michaels’ Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD.

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I also got an arm band for my Ipod.

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And the Polar F6 hear rate monitor I wanted!

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In a very pretty pink.

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I can’t wait to get to the gym tomorrow and give it a try.  I also got some unpictured steak knives that we definitely needed in our apartment. 

Between the wine and the excitement of the day I am extremely tired. Thanks again for all your wonderful wishes!  I’m sad my birthday is over but I’m excited to get back into eating my normal healthy meals.  No more using my birthday as an excuse to indulge.  Although I don’t feel guilty about my splurging, it was my birthday and I enjoyed my favorite things but it’s time to get back to normal. 

Hope you all have a great night!!

March 23, 2009 at 9:41 pm 20 comments

Time Flies…

When you’re having fun, and this was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time.  Between my birthday celebration last night and my trip to the city for the Blogger brunch today, it was full weekend, but a really great one!

Let’s start with my pictures from last night.

Before we went out to the bar, Laura and her fiancé Billy came over.  Somehow my favorite pickles became the topic of conversation and Laura wanted to try one.  I gave her my last one because I’m all for sharing the pickle love.  We of course took pictures.

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Right before she tried it.


Chewing and taking in the flavors.  But did she like it?

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Thumbs up!  She shared some with Billy who doesn’t even like pickles (how is that even possible?)  and he loved them too!

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Then it was time for some presents, Andrew caved and gave me mine last night.  He got me two 5lb weights and a beginner’s yoga kit, which included a mat and dvd as well as some other accessories.

Can you tell I was excited to get the weights?

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Laura had to give them a try.

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I suppose they were too heavy for her.  After my friend Jessica and her boyfriend arrived and brought me some birthday balloons, we went off to the bar.  I drank way too much, but allowed myself to drink, since I’ve only drank one other time this year so far.  I drank diet coke and vodkas.

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Laura ordered cheese nachos (that were super cheesy) but I gladly ate a few to help her out.

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Andrew ordered Mozzarella sticks and I had a bite of one.

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Here’s a picture of me and Andrew.

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And here’s one of me Laura and Jessica.

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Once I got home last night I fell right to sleep when my alarm went off this morning I was in no mood to get up but I had to get ready to leave for the blogger brunch!  We wound up taking the 10:25 train in, took 2 short sub way rides and arrived at Counter at 12:30 we walked around in the vicinity of the restaurant until 1.  Can I just say that I seriously have the sweetest boyfriend? He knew how nervous I was and took the train ride to the city with me, calmed me down when I was nervous about meeting everyone, and waited in a park for over 2 hours for me to be done with the brunch.  Thank you so much Andrew for being so amazing today and always!! I snacked on a couple bites of a bagel while waiting because in my rush in the morning I totally forgot to eat, (never thought I’d say that).   My head was pounding all morning between my sinuses and my drinking last night, so I was just kind of miserable, but the brunch definitely made me feel better!  Everyone was so super nice!  It was nice getting to talk and listen to people that I’ve read so much about.  I was kind of quiet between nerves and not feeling well though.

I ordered French Toast for my meal.

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Do you see how thick that slice of bread in the back is? The french toast, I thought was just alright, which might have been a side effect of not feeling well so I ate the slice in the front and passed on some of the second slice to Mark and the rest to Sarah.  Mark agreed that it was just okay but I’m so glad I passed it off to Sarah because she seemed to really enjoy it!  Next time there’s any blogger event I hope to be able to talk more to both Sarah and Vani.  One thing I can say about all the bloggers is they are all super nice and come across just as sweet as they do on their blogs.  I also got tons of goodies but forgot to take a picture of them, I haven’t sampled anything yet so I’ll take pictures of those tonight and post those pictures tomorrow.

On the train I ate the rest of the bagel I got, minus the other half I dropped on the ground.

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It was a really nice sunny day, here’s a view from the train on the way back.

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I used my dad’s monthly train pass to get into the city today so we went to my parents house to drop it off to him.  As soon as I walked in I was hit with a fantastic smell.  My mom was roasting a whole chicken, and during the meatless lent that has been the only thing I’ve been craving.  Whole roasted chicken is my favorite Sunday dinner that my mom makes so it was really hard to resist, but I did it.  I have recently heard that you can have whatever you gave up for Lent on Sunday’s but I figure if you’re going to do something, do it right.  So I didn’t cave, although I really wanted to.  I had all the side dishes though.   My mom makes some banging mashed potatoes, after she’s done making them she puts them in the oven under the broiler with a little butter and paprika sprinkled on top.

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My plate consisted of mashed potatoes:

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And a side salad of just romaine lettuce with a little Light Caesar dressing.

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And here’s what I missed out on:


Now I’m ready to lay down and get some sleep.  How does riding on a train for a few hours make you so tired?  Tomorrow is another busy day I have work all day then out to dinner for my 24th Birthday with my parents and then some ice cream cake and more presents!   Goodnight everyone!

March 22, 2009 at 8:43 pm 9 comments

Saturday Night Celebration

I just finished getting ready to go out and celebrate my 24th birthday, I wish it was my actual birthday but that’s not until Monday, I think it’s so much more fun going out on my actual birthday then before hand but oh well, there’s no way I’m going out on Monday night. 

Friends will be arriving in 15 minutes so I need to rush this post out.  I didn’t get to post yesterday because I was asked to work from home this weekend for some overtime.  I can’t turn down extra money but I had such a busy weekend planned I needed to get it all done last night.  I wound up working from when I got home until after midnight.  But I got some extra money and the rest of the weekend was not interrupted by work.

Friday Breakfast after my oats Thursday morning I knew I wanted them again on Friday, it was 1/2 a cup oats, 1/2 a cup skim milk, cinnamon, vanilla, and pb.

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For lunch I took the easy way out and brought an Amy’s Santa Fe Bowl.  Not the best looking lunch but it was good, and filling I only wound up eating 3/4 of it.

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On our way home from work Andrew and I decided to just go right to Harborside grille for dinner.  I did not feel like cooking and wanted a little more time out of the house before I was glued in front of the computer screen.

I got a house salad to start with balsamic dressing on the side.

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I love the dressing there!

For dinner there weren’t many meatless options but once I saw thin crust pizza, I was sold on that idea.

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It was on either Lavash bread or something very similar, it was so good.  That’s really the only good picture I got the rest were blurry, but it was just a normal size personal size pizza, and I ate it all.

Then it was time to work, I couldn’t believe I was up so late on Friday doing work, what a boring Friday night right?

I woke up bright and early this morning and the weather was so deceiving, it snowed yesterday morning, and I had heard the weekend was supposed to be nice, with all the sun pouring in I thought it would definitely be warm out, unfortunately it hovered under 50 pretty much all day.  I got back into bed and read for a couple hours.

By the time I got around to eating I decided to make it a brunch and had pb and raspberry preserves on double fiber bread.

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Before going to the gym a little later I decided to snack on a pickle, I only have one more left in the jar.  So sad. 

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Another blurry picture I don’t know what’s up with my camera lately. 

After the gym my sister called and asked me to stop by to hang out, so we stopped by there and watched TV.  Then it was time to go home and eat and clean.  I wanted something I could cook in less then 5 minutes, in the fridge we had leftover pasta from the other night so I made a Bolognese sauce with jarred sauce and morning star veggie crumbles.  Delicious!

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On the side I had a gigantic salad with romaine, spinach, and 4 mini sweet peppers.

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Then it was time to start getting ready, I’m trying to convince Andrew to give me my presents tonight.  He kept telling me no, but then he left the burner on the stove on and melted my silicone colander into one of my pots.  He felt pretty guilty and then told me he’d give me my presents tonight, but he salvaged both items and now I’m not sure he feels guilty enough to give in to me.   Oh well it’ll only be 2 days if I have to wait.

Oh and in other March Birthday News today is Dori’s birthday so stop by and wish her a great birthday!

March 21, 2009 at 7:18 pm 11 comments

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